Terms of Service

The Federal Copyright Act of 1976 states clearly that the photographer who creates an image is the owner and copyright holder of the image.  SparkWerx Images, LLC, retains all copyrights expressed and implied for all images created.  Copyright is not and will not be transferred to any other party.  Images may not be used in any form without written permission from SparkWerx Images, LLC.  Copyright watermarks will be applied unobtrusively to all final images delivered and may not be obscured or removed physically or digitally.  Metadata attached to the photographs may not be removed or altered in any way.  Unauthorized modification or use of images constitutes a copyright violation.  Image credit must be given to SparkWerx Images, LLC, when used in printed materials and on any and all public media sites.  Failure to comply with these conditions constitutes a copyright violation, and will result in legal action to compel cessation of usage.